Evaluation of the Outcome 5.2: Access to sustainable energy improved through increased electricity production by using indigenous renewable energy resources, improved energy efficienct and the development of Georgia's Energy Corridor

Evaluation of the Outcome 5.2: Access to sustainable energy improved through increased electricity production by using indigenous renewable energy resources, improved energy efficienct and the development of Georgia's Energy Corridor

Completedon 30 Jun, 2008
Evaluation Plan
Planned End Date
Apr 2008
Evaluation Type
Management Response
Evaluation Budget
The sustainable energy outcome of UNDP's Country Program (2006-2010) is highly relevant given the current focus by the Government on conventional energy and energy security. The current portfolio is exists of activities in support of the oil and gas sector as well as renewable energy in rural areas (small-scale hydropower, biogas, solar water heaters, efficient stoves). While all these activities are relevant, the current CPAP seem to provide little long-term strategic vision, because it is merely the sum of projects mentioned under implementation. It is developed in a somehow opportunistic fashion. The UNDP Environment Unit and the Project Management of the three renewable energy projects have been fairly successful in leveraging additional funding. However, the additional funding reflects the funding source's priorities; the Government is a large co-financier of the oil & gas sector activities, while foreign donors support renewable energy. The largest renewable energy (RE) project, the UNDP/GEF 'Promotion of RE for Local Energy Supply' is been in place for a number of years, but no real SHPP reconstruction has been initiated yet, except for some SHPPs that received Norwegian financial support, but works not finalized yet. This does reflects on one hand the difficulty when two agencies, UNDP and KfW, have to work together and delays caused by their respective bureaucracies mutually reinforce each other. But it also reflects the lack of priority by the Government that has not intervened really to help speed up the implementation process. Given these adverse circumstances, there may still be good reasons to prolong support for sustainable energy, i.e. renewable energy and energy efficiency. With energy security within reach, it is time to approach the Government to take sustainability aspects more into account in its energy policy making. However, if by the end of the CPAP period, in 2010, the chances for sustainability and replicability are low due to lac
  • Evaluation Information
Evaluation Title
Evaluation of the Outcome 5.2: Access to sustainable energy improved through increased electricity production by using indigenous renewable energy resources, improved energy efficienct and the development of Georgia's Energy Corridor
Plan Period
Management Response
Plan Date
30 Apr, 2008
Quality Assessment
Completion Date
30 Jun, 2008
Joint Programme
Joint Evaluation
GEF Evaluation
  • Corporate Outcome and Output

    UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021

Access to sustainable energy improved through increased electricity production by using indigeneous renewable energy resources, improved energy efficiency and the development of Georgia's energy corridor.

1: Crisis Prevention & Recovery