Evaluación Final Efecto 1: Erradicar la pobreza en todas sus formas y dimensiones

Evaluación Final Efecto 1: Erradicar la pobreza en todas sus formas y dimensiones

Justification: Esta evaluación no se realizará por diversos factores; por una parte, las contrapartes de gobierno se encuentran en proceso de instalación por el cambio de Gobierno, y por otra, y a raíz de los cambios en el contexto generados por el estallido social y la pandemia, y el actual foco en el proceso constituyente, se estima que sería más adecuado proponerla para el próximo ciclo.
Evaluation Plan
Planned End Date
Dec 2022
Evaluation Type
Management Response
Evaluation Budget
  • Evaluation Information
Evaluation Title
Evaluación Final Efecto 1: Erradicar la pobreza en todas sus formas y dimensiones
Atlas Project Number
98936, 61692, 64144, 71115, 62320, 75757, 69217, 74666, 61930, 97780, 97782, 87549, 86795, 80693, 69333, 69332, 80691, 69331, 69330, 80690, 87031, 87054, 107399, 60191, 87051, 94407, 47752, 91195, 76023, 77514, 80687, 84106, 77779, 50999, 49076, 56937
Plan Period
Management Response
Plan Date
31 Dec, 2022
Quality Assessment
Joint Programme
Joint Evaluation
GEF Evaluation
Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia, Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores
Source of Funding
Ministerio Secretaría General de la Presidencia
  • Corporate Outcome and Output

    UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021

Output 1.1.1 Capacities developed across the whole of government to integrate the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and other international agreements in development plans and budgets, and to analyse progress towards the SDGs, using innovative and data-driven solutions

Output 1.1.2 Marginalised groups, particularly the poor, women, people with disabilities and displaced are empowered to gain universal access to basic services and financial and non-financial assets to build productive capacities and benefit from sustainable livelihoods and jobs

Output 1.2.1 Capacities at national and sub-national levels strengthened to promote inclusive local economic development and deliver basic services including HIV and related services

Output 1.2.2 Enabling environment strengthened to expand public and private financing for the achievement of the SDGs

Output 1.2.3 Institutions and systems enabled to address awareness, prevention and enforcement of anti-corruption measures to maximize availability of resources for poverty eradication

Output 1.3.1 National capacities and evidence-based assessment and planning tools enable gender-responsive and risk-informed development investments, including for response to and recovery from crisis

Output 1.4.1 Solutions scaled up for sustainable management of natural resources, including sustainable commodities and green and inclusive value chains

Output 1.5.1 Solutions adopted to achieve universal access to clean, affordable and sustainable energy

Output 1.6.1 Country-led measures accelerated to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment

Output 1.6.2 Measures in place and implemented across sectors to prevent and respond to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)

1: Others