Assessment of Development Results - Bangladesh
The Bangladesh ADR presents a number of critical findings and recommendations. It underscores that Bangladesh has made significant progress in reducing human poverty and improving macro-economic fundamentals as well as social indicators. However, preventing reversals and sustaining gains achieved over the past decade face challenges on many fronts,including accelerating inequalities, a deteriorating governance situation, environmental degradation, recurring natural disasters and the impending phase out of the Multi Fibre Agreement (MFA). The Country Cooperation Framework I (CCFI) and Country Cooperation Framework II (CCFII) provided a framework for UNDP to engage with these development challenges. The Bangladesh ADR highlights a number of results produced in the key thematic areas of governance, poverty reduction and the environment. The report concludes that the country office has overcome the programme delivery challenges that UNDP faced in the mid 1990s and has effectively mobilized external resources. It has also succeeded in increasing the focus on strategic areas by reducing the number of projects from 123 in 1992 to 32 in 2004, thus putting the limited resources of UNDP to better use.