Assessment of Development Results: Ghana
The evaluation examines relevance and contribution of UNDP support to national development results and UNDP?s strategic positioning between 2002 and 2010. It assesses UNDP?s contributions under the programme areas of democratic governance, poverty reduction and Millennium Development Goals achievement, and environment and energy. The evaluation concludes that UNDP Ghana has gained trust of the government as a substantive development partner and has made a positive contribution to Ghana?s development agenda. UNDP has engaged significantly at the policy advisory and community level, but the evaluation concludes that UNDP could have engaged more with local governments. The evaluation recommends that, as Ghana prepares for a transition to middle-income status, UNDP needs to further bolster its advisory capacity and align its portfolio with the realities of the dynamic environment in Ghana, particularly in the areas of local economic development and fostering private-public sector partnerships for development.