Assessment of Development Results: Bangladesh
) The evaluation examines relevance and strategic positioning of UNDP support and its contributions to the country?s development. Since an earlier ADR was completed in 2005, this evaluation focused on results achieved in the ongoing country programme cycles, 2006-2011. The evaluation found a strategically well positioned and responsive programme that is aligned with national priorities and promotes United Nations values in the country. It highlighted the support that UNDP provided to democratic elections and disaster risk management but also notes that support in many other areas has produced a significant contribution and has the potential to make a difference to the lives of the people of Bangladesh. Such transformations are often long-term and UNDP commitment to supporting Bangladesh over this time-frame means that it can play a special role in support of development change. The evaluation also identified a number of areas where UNDP needs to address specific challenges including ensuring appropriate national ownership of all its interventions and making greater efforts to ensure the sustainability of the results to which it contributes. Programmatically the evaluation noted that greater attention needs to be paid to environmental challenges that affect the poor and to strategic gender concerns.