Assessment of Development Results: Jamaica
The evaluation examines relevance and strategic positioning of UNDP support and its contributions to the country?s development. The ADR focused on results achieved in the two country programme cycles, 2002-2006 and 2007-2011, with a particular emphasis on the period since the last ADR completed in 2004. In the past few years, rigorous measures were introduced by the country office to rebuild trust and partnerships with the government and development partners, as well as to strengthen the capacity of its staff. Interviews with various stakeholders suggested that UNDP Jamaica has clearly turned the corner and has now been recognized as a responsive entity that has relevant country programmes that are in alignment of national priorities, with a group of highly dedicated staff. The evaluation suggests that the work of UNDP Jamaica needs to continue on various fronts, including strategic prioritization of programmes, further exploration of ways to efficiently implement its programme interventions and to ensure their sustainability, increased collaboration with other UN partners when delivering programmes, and promotion of gender and other UN values through its interventions.