Evaluacion Final - UNDAF
Capacities of national and local institutions enhanced to scale up proven MDG acceleration interventions and to plan, monitor, report and evaluate the MDG progress in the context of related national development priorities
Inclusive growth and social equity promoted through pro-poor macroeconomic and fiscal policies that support income, employment and social protection of youth, women and vulnerable groups in a sustainable way
Policies, strategies and partnerships established to enhance public-private sector collaboration and private sector and market development that benefit the poor and ensure that low-income households and small enterprises have access to a broad range of financial and legal services
Strengthened national capacities to integrate into the global economic system and to negotiate and manage traditional & emerging development finance for inclusive development
Civil society, including civil society organizations and voluntary associations, and the private sector contribute to the MDGs in support of national planning strategies and policies
Access to information policies support accountability and transparency
National, regional and local levels of governance expand their capacities to reduce conflict and manage the equitable delivery of public services
Effective, responsive, accessible and fair justice systems promote the rule of law, including both formal and informal processes, with due consideration on the rights of the poor, women and vulnerable groups
Strengthened capacities of national human rights institutions
Strengthened national-, regional- and local-level capacity to implement anti-corruption initiatives
National and local institutions have the capacities to reduce the impact of disasters, especially climate change related disasters, on vulnerable communities
National and local institutions have the capacities to prevent, reduce and mitigate the impact of conflict
National and local institutions have the capacities to fulfill key functions of government for recovery in early post-crisis situations
Development plans and programmes integrate environmentally sustainable solutions in a manner that promotes poverty reduction, MDG achievement and low-emission climate-resilient development
Local and national authorities have the capacities to access and integrate multiple sources of public and private environmental financing in support of sustainable human development, including gender equality and poverty reduction
National and local governments and communities have the capacities to adapt to climate change and make inclusive and sustainable environment & energy decisions benefitting in particular under-served populations
1: Crisis Prevention & Recovery
2: Democratic Governance
3: Environment & Sustainable Development
4: Poverty and MDG