Evaluation of the UNDP Strategic Plan and Global and Regional Programmes
The report focuses attention on key aspects of UNDPs work under the current strategic plan, and considers the way UNDP, as an essential UN organisation, provides programme support to partner governments. The assessment was carried out during a time of significant restructuring and reorganization at UNDP, designed to strengthen organizational effectiveness and further enhance the contribution of UNDP to development. The evaluation examines the processes and effects of this reorganization through collaborative work undertaken with the UNDP office of Audit and Investigations, and also looks at the results that have been delivered during this challenging period. The UNDP programme portfolio spans about 170 countries and territories, and covers a wide ranging and complex set of issues. The evaluation team was cognizant of the opportunities and challenges such a broad mandate creates.
Output 1.1. National and sub-national systems and institutions enabled to achieve structural transformation of productive capacities that are sustainable and employment - and livelihoods- intensive
Output 1.3. Solutions developed at national and sub-national levels for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and waste
Output 1.4. Scaled up action on climate change adaptation and mitigation across sectors which is funded and implemented
Output 1.5. Inclusive and sustainable solutions adopted to achieve increased energy efficiency and universal modern energy access (especially off-grid sources of renewable energy)
Output 2.1. Parliaments, constitution making bodies and electoral institutions enabled to perform core functions for improved accountability, participation and representation, including for peaceful transitions
Output 2.2. Institutions and systems enabled to address awareness, prevention and enforcement of anti-corruption measures across sectors and stakeholders
Output 2.3 Capacities of human rights institutions strengthened
Output 2.4. Frameworks and dialogue processes engaged for effective and transparent engagement of civil society in national development
Output 2.5. Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions enabled to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and access and benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, in line with international conventions and national
Output 2.6. Legal reform enabled to fight discrimination and address emerging issues (such as environmental and electoral justice
Output 3.1. Core functions of government enabled (in post conflict situations) to ensure national ownership of recovery and development processes
Output 3.2. Functions, financing and capacity of sub-national level institutions enabled to deliver improved basic services and respond to priorities voiced by the public
Output 3.3. National institutions, systems, laws and policies strengthened for equitable, accountable and effective delivery of HIV and related services
Output 3.5 Communities empowered and security sector institutions enabled for increased citizen safety and reduced levels of armed violence
Output 3.6. Governance institutional, and other critical bottlenecks addressed to support achievement of the MDGs and other internationally agreed development goals
Output 4.1. Country led measures accelerated to advance women's economic empowerment
Output 4.2. Measures in place and implemented across sectors to prevent and respond to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)
Output 4.3. Evidence-informed national strategies and partnerships to advance gender equality and women's empowerment
Output 4.4. Measures in place to increase women's participation in decision-making
Output 4.5 Measures in place to increase women's access to environmental goods and services (including climate finance)
Output 5.1. Mechanisms in place to assess natural and man-made risks at national and sub-national levels
Output 5.2. Effective institutional, legislative and policy frameworks in place to enhance the implementation of disaster and climate risk management measures at national and sub-national levels
Output 5.3. Gender responsive disaster and climate risk management is integrated in the development planning and budgetary frameworks of key sectors (e.g. water, agriculture, health and education)
Output 5.4. Preparedness systems in place to effectively address the consequences of and response to natural hazards (e.g. geo-physical and climate related) and man-made crisis at all levels of government and community
Output 5.5. Policy frameworks and institutional mechanisms enabled at the national and sub-national levels for the peaceful management of emerging and recurring conflicts and tensions
Output 5.6. Mechanisms are enabled for consensus-building around contested priorities, and address specific tensions, through inclusive and peaceful processes
Output 6.1. From the humanitarian phase after crisis, early economic revitalization generates jobs and other environmentally sustainable livelihoods opportunities for crisis affected men and women
Output 6.2. National and local authorities /institutions enabled to lead the community engagement, planning, coordination, delivery and monitoring of early recovery efforts
Output 6.3. Innovative partnerships are used to inform national planning and identification of solutions for early recovery
Output 6.4. Recovery processes reinforce social cohesion and trust and enable rapid return to sustainable development
Output 7.1. Global consensus on completion of MDGs and the post 2015 agenda informed by contributions from UNDP
Output 7.2. Global and national data collection, measurement and analytical systems in place to monitor progress on the post 2015 agenda and sustainable development goals
Output 7.3. National development plans to address poverty and inequality are sustainable and risk resilient
Output 7.4. Countries enabled to gain equitable access to, and manage, ODA and other sources of global development financing
Output 7.5 South-South and Triangular cooperation partnerships established and/or strengthened for development solutions
Output 7.6. Innovations enabled for development solutions, partnerships and other collaborative arrangements
Output 7.7 Mechanisms in place to generate and share knowledge about development solutions
Output 1.2. Options enabled and facilitated for inclusive and sustainable social protection
Output 3.4. Functions, financing and capacity of rule of law institutions enabled, including to improve access to justice and redress
1: Others