Country Programme mid-term evaluation

Country Programme mid-term evaluation

Justification: La Oficina de País ha decidido cancelar esta evaluación considerando su coincidencia con la evaluación del UNDAF y varias otras implicaciones. La Representación ha considerado más apropiado que como Oficina nos involucremos plenamente en la evaluación del UNDAF y con base en esto, obtener información sobre los resultados entregados. En esta dirección, nos aseguraremos de vincular la evidencia evaluativa del UNDAF a nuestro ejercicio de Resumen del Desempeño del Programa para obtener los elementos estratégicos relevantes para nuestro marco de programación. La cancelación de esta evaluación ya ha sido notificada a la IEO y al Especialista Regional de Monitoreo y Evaluación.
Planned End Date
Nov 2020
Evaluation Type
Country Programme Evaluation
Management Response
Evaluation Budget
  • Evaluation Information
Evaluation Title
Country Programme mid-term evaluation
Quantum Project Number
Plan Period
Country Programme Evaluation
Management Response
Plan Date
30 Nov, 2020
Quality Assessment
Joint Programme
Joint Evaluation
GEF Evaluation
General Directorate for Multilateral Affairs, UNDP
Source of Funding
Regular Resources
Dominican Republic
  • Corporate Outcome and Output

    UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021

Output 1.1. National and sub-national systems and institutions enabled to achieve structural transformation of productive capacities that are sustainable and employment - and livelihoods- intensive

Output 1.4. Scaled up action on climate change adaptation and mitigation across sectors which is funded and implemented

Output 2.2. Institutions and systems enabled to address awareness, prevention and enforcement of anti-corruption measures across sectors and stakeholders

Output 2.4. Frameworks and dialogue processes engaged for effective and transparent engagement of civil society in national development

Output 3.3. National institutions, systems, laws and policies strengthened for equitable, accountable and effective delivery of HIV and related services

Output 5.1. Mechanisms in place to assess natural and man-made risks at national and sub-national levels

Output 7.1. Global consensus on completion of MDGs and the post 2015 agenda informed by contributions from UNDP

Output 3.4. Functions, financing and capacity of rule of law institutions enabled, including to improve access to justice and redress

1: Crisis Prevention & Recovery

2: Cross-cutting Development Issue

3: Democratic Governance

4: Environment & Sustainable Development

5: Others

6: Poverty and MDG